Saturday, March 15, 2014

Review: 300: Rise of an Empire

I feel that this was one of the most underrated movies of our time. Those cinematic "masterpieces" of yesteryear pale in comparison to this glorious piece of cinema. This is a bold new kind of movie, and frankly I beg Hollywood to keep it up. All the historical facts were right on the money, the effects were breathtaking and the men were to die for, literally. I love those muscular men in tight leather thongs working up a sweat trying to defeat the Pursians, again. While I love this movie and wish to speak no ill of it, I do have a few gripes. Starting with a few unrealistic special effects. I won't say which ones in particular, but I will say that they might involve a horse galloping across a burning ship, into the rough ocean waters, and then jumping onto a Persian vessel. Maybe.

Overall a solid 28.9/30 

I Am A Tool, And Now So Are You.
My name is Richard. Yes I am a tool and now you are as well for even reading this. You're WELCOME!